Codes of Conduct
The Madison Area Youth Soccer Association (MAYSA) Code of Ethics & Conduct is intended to help all members become the best they can be. MAYSA members include players, teams, parents, coaches, clubs and administrators. All are challenged to not only meet a high standard of sportsmanship, Fair Play and respect for the game but to set a high standard regardless of the actions or behavior of others.
All members are expected to show the utmost respect to referees at all times and abide by MAYSA’s Zero Tolerance Policy regarding abuse towards referees. Members need not agree with the decisions of referees but are fully expected to accept and abide by the decisions.
Players & Teams
- Shall be respectful to opponents, game officials, spectators and the field of play itself before, during and after every training or match.
- Shall never use profane language, taunt opponents or attempt to injure an opponent in any manner.
- Shall embrace the Spirit of the Game and the joy of competition over winning and losing.
- Shall understand that the post-‐game handshake is an important symbol of sportsmanship & Appreciation for the opponent and that it is mandatory.
- All coaches and assistant coaches are required to have, and be capable of presenting to the game official, a Coach Pass issued by the Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association.
- Must have a full understanding of the FIFA Laws of the Game and any adaptations.
- Shall emphasize the importance of participation, value of competition and player development over winning & losing.
- Shall be familiar with the following policies: Club Pass, use of Guest Players and MAYSA’s No-Recruitment Policy.
- Are responsible for the actions of their players and spectators before, during and after a match. Coaches are expected to consistently ensure a safe and supportive environment for players on both teams and referees.
- Shall be aware that only the team’s coach is permitted to provide feedback regarding referee performance. Further, referee feedback may only be provided via e-mail to MAYSA’s Director of Operations ( in a succinct and constructive manner.
Parents & Spectators
- Are encouraged to cheer for sportsmanship and good plays, no matter who makes them.
- Will abstain from the use of tobacco products and alcohol in the areas immediately surrounding the field of play.
- Will respect the team’s designated coach and minimize confusion among players by abstaining from coaching from the sideline.
- Will interact in a cooperative and positive manner with the parents & spectators from the opposing team.
Any players, coaches, parents or administrators who violate the MAYSA Code of Ethics & Conduct or its intent may be subject to any or all of the following: a formal/written warning, suspensions ranging from a single game to a lifetime ban or other sanctions at the discretion of MAYSA Competitive Committee.
MAYSA reserves the right to apply the “Common Sense Rule” to any actions by players, coaches, parents & spectators and club administrators which may not be specifically addressed by the Code of Ethics & Conduct.
Codes of Ethics
Code of Ethics
Suspension/Revocation of Membership
Article I. Ethics
Section 1.1. Ethics: The members of the Club shall subscribe to the following Code of Ethics:
1. Members shall at all times conduct themselves with professionalism.
2. Honesty and Integrity must be of the highest importance in every arena.
3. Coaches and Staff shall treat every athlete with respect and assist them in improving as soccer players and as people.
4. Members shall not conduct themselves in a way which could cause discredit or disrepute to the club.
5. Members (Parents specifically) should not discuss a game, player's performance, or the like with their coach until at least 24 hours has passed from completion of the game.
6. Members should not engage in recruiting for or promoting another Club per WYSA Poaching policy (
7. Members shall abide by the decisions of the Board of Directors in promoting and enforcing this Code of Ethics.
8. All members of the club assume the responsibilities of the Code of Ethics, and agree to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with this Code.
Section 1.2. Enforcement: The Board of Directors shall be responsible for promoting and enforcing the Code of Ethics.
Section 1.3. Courses of Action: Should the Board of Directors determine that disciplinary action of a member is required as related to the Code of Ethics, the Board of Directors, at their discretion, may:
1. Send a letter of warning to the member.
2. Suspend the member.
3. Remove the member from the Club.
Section 1.4. Appeal: Any member subjected to disciplinary action has the right to appeal in writing to the Board of Directors within 2 weeks of the disciplinary action. The member appealing shall not have a right to a hearing and the decision of the Board of Directors shall be final.
Article II. Suspension and Revocation of Membership
Section 2.1. Delinquent Dues/Fees : Members with delinquent Club dues or team fees may face suspension from the Club until those dues are paid in full, or an approved payment plan is established. A Member is determined to be delinquent after notice of not less than thirty (30) days has been provided (no shorter than 30 days) of the total amount due, and payment has been received. The establishment of a payment plan, and the receipt of the first payment, are sufficient to place a member in good standing. A member will continue in good standing provided subsequent payments are made in timely fashion.
Section 2.2. Suspension/Revocation of Membership: In addition to the provisions of Article I and Section 2.1., the Board of Directors, by a two-thirds vote, may suspend or revoke the membership of any member for:
1. Failure to meet financial obligations to the Club or a team;
2. Violating the bylaws of the Club, MAYSA, WYSA and WASA;
3. Violating the Bylaws, Rules, Regulations, Code of Ethics, or Policies of the Club;
4. Conviction of a crime which evidences a lack of moral character or honesty.
Section 2.3. Coach Authority: The Coach of a team may suspend or revoke membership to the Club, with approval of the Director of Coaching and President, for any of the following:
1. Gross Lack of Commitment: Any player who misses 50% or more of team activities during the fall or spring season is considered to have a gross lack of commitment.
2. Gross Negative Impact: Any player or parent of a player consistently creating a negative environment during team events, or a consistent negative attitude towards the Coach, manager or other Athletes involved is considered to have a gross negative impact.
Section 2.4. Membership Timing: In all cases, except as outlined differently above, the Membership in the Club shall be until the next try-out selection period in May/June, July 31, or the end of the current playing season, whichever is later. Section 2.5. Appeal: Any member subjected to disciplinary action has the right to appeal in writing to the Board of Directors within 2 weeks of the disciplinary action. The member appealing shall not have a right to a hearing and the decision of the Board of Directors shall be final.
P.O. Box 115 Waunakee, WI 53597
articles and bylaws
Articles of Incorporation & Bylaws
Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, Rules And Regulations As Approved By The Membership September 27, 2017. As Amended By The Membership February 19, 2019.
These Articles of Incorporation shall supersede and replace the heretofore existing Constitution and all amendments thereto of Waunakee Area Soccer Club, a nonstock/nonprofit corporation organized under the Wisconsin Nonstock Corporation Law, Chapter 181 of the Wisconsin Statues.
Article I. Name
The name of the corporation shall be the Waunakee Area Soccer Club and shall hereafter be referred to as "WASC".
Article II. Existence
WASC is a nonstock Wisconsin corporation under Chapter 181 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The period of WASC's existence is perpetual.
Article III. Purpose
WASC is organized, and shall at all times be operated, exclusively for charitable, scientific, religious, or educational purposes and to engage in such other activities which are exclusively in furtherance of these purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
The WASC shall teach good sportsmanship, leadership, and teamwork skills, educate participants and adults in the fundamentals of the game of soccer, promote the game of soccer through sponsorship of regularly scheduled soccer competition and special soccer events, and conduct such other educational activities as are deemed appropriate to the promotion of youth soccer activities.
Article IV. Affiliation
The WASC is an affiliation of the Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association, the Wisconsin Soccer Association, the United States Youth Soccer Association, and the United States Soccer Federation.
Article V. Membership
The WASC shall have members made up of participants, parents/guardians of participants, coaches, referees and a Board of Directors.
Article VI. Authority
The WASC shall be governed by these articles and by its duly approved bylaws, rules, and regulations, all of which are subject to the rules and regulations of the Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association, the Wisconsin Soccer Association, the United States Youth Soccer Association, and the United States Soccer Federation. The WASC may be contacted through the President or Executive Director/Registrar, who shall be registered with the Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association.
Article VII. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors will be elected for two-year terms annually at the spring meeting by the adult voting members of the WASC. The term of the Board of Directors shall run two years, beginning March 1 of the election year to the last day of February of the second year. The President, Treasurer, Director #2, Director #4, and Director #6 shall be elected on even years. The Vice President, Secretary, Director #1, and Director #3 shall be elected on odd years. Board of Directors meetings shall be called as needed by the President.
Article VIII. WASC Meetings
There will be at least two club meetings per year. The regularly scheduled spring meeting shall take place within the month of February. The regularly scheduled fall meeting shall take place within the month of September.
Article IX. Prohibited Actives
a. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, WASC shall not exercise any power or authority that would pose a substantial risk of preventing it at any time from qualifying and continuing to qualify as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Code, contributions to which are deductible for federal income tax purposes, nor shall WASC carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Code. b. Pursuant to the prohibition in section 501(c)(3) of the Code, no part of the net earnings, current or accumulated, of WASC shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.
b. No part of the assets or net earnings of WASC shall ever be used, nor shall WASC ever be organized or operated, for purposes that are not exclusively for charitable, scientific, religious, or educational within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Code.
c. WASC shall not carry on propaganda or otherwise attempt to influence legislation to an extent that would disqualify it for tax exemption under 501(c)(3) of the Code by reason of attempting to influence legislation. Nor shall WASC participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.
d. WASC shall never be operated for the primary purpose of carrying on a trade or business for profit.
e. At no time shall WASC engage in any activities that are unlawful under laws of the United States, the State of Wisconsin or any other jurisdiction where any of its activities are carried on.
Article X. Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction in the country in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Article XI. Principal Office and Registered Agent
The mailing address of the principal office of WASC is:
P.O. Box 115
Waunakee, WI 53597
The name and address of the registered agent is:
WASC P.O. Box 115
Waunakee, WI 53597
Article XII. Amendments
These Articles may be amended by a majority vote of the entire adult voting power of the WASC in attendance at a club meeting called for that purpose. The Board of Directors and coaches of WASC must be informed in-writing of proposed constitutional amendments prior to a vote. Reasonable effort must be made to notify the remaining club membership of proposed constitutional amendments.
Article I. Rule of Order
All meetings of the WASC shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.
Article II. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Executive Director/Registrar and five Director positions. A nominating committee may be appointed to present a slate of candidates for positions on the Board of Directors prior to the regularly scheduled Spring meeting. Nominations shall also be taken from the floor.
The officers of the Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. No Board member shall be a paid coach. Additionally, no Board member shall be a volunteer coach past U8.
When a vacancy on the Board exists, nominations for new members may be received from the nominating committee in advance of a Board meeting. These nominations shall be sent to the Directors with the regular Board meeting announcement, to be voted upon at the next Board meeting. A vacancy will be filled to the end of the vacant term.
Resignation from the Board must be in writing and received by a member of the Board. A Board member may be removed for cause by a three-fourths vote of the remaining directors.
Article III. Quorum
A majority of the voting members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
Article IV. Executive Director/Registrar
The Board of Directors may designate an Executive Director/Registrar who shall perform duties for WASC. The Executive Director/Registrar shall be directly supervised by the President, may act as an agent of the Board of Directors in the course of performing stated duties, but does not carry a vote on matters brought to the Board of Directors.
Article V. Registration Fees
Each registered (participating) member will be assessed an annual registration fee. The amount of the annual registration fee shall be based on the cost of competition for the league in which the member shall compete.
Article VI. Discipline (Fines)
Any fines against WASC shall be the responsibility of WASC. Fines for violations of sanctions shall be the responsibility of the party committing the infraction.
Article VII. Amendments
Any member of WASC may propose an amendment to the articles or bylaws of the club. Proposed amendments must be made in writing to the President thirty days prior to a club meeting scheduled to discuss the proposed amendment. Coaches and members of the Board of Directors must be notified individually and in writing prior to a club meeting scheduled to discuss the proposed amendment. The vote on the proposed amendment must be public and occur at a scheduled club meeting.
Article VIII. Unspecified Matters
The Board of Directors of the WASC is fully empowered to decide matters not specifically provided for in the articles, bylaws, rules, and regulations of the WASC.